Life is all about the Journey, so enjoy it!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Week 8

Hello Hello,
Some cute dialong between my mini's and I this week:
Gen: She kissed my belly and asked "are the babies still in there?"
Me: "Yes,
they have to grow big before they can come out" Gianna: "your belly is gonna get bigger?" (as she opened her arms as wide as she could)
Me: "Yup"
Gen: "And then your going to give the babies back to their mommy and daddy so they will be happy"
Me: "Exactly"
Gen: "Good, I don't want them to be sad"
**It might not be politically correct but I found it sweet.
                                                                  Gen (L) Gia (R)
I’m very thankful to have a full time job; otherwise I think the nausea would overrule me. When Mommy and Daddy McM were here they got me these little bands to help with nausea. I have to admit I was very skeptical, but am now a full believer. I forgot to wear them twice this week and wala I got sick twice this week. They’re about $10 and can be found at a pharmacy or your local Walmart.

This week’s organic delivery was awesome! I am excited to make pico de gallo tonight with the onions. 

My kids have spent multiple days playing with/decorating their jewelry boxes from my IP’s. It was a very thoughtful gift, Thank you thank you!

They are now the size of raspberries! Fingers and toes began forming this week

Other than morning sickness and gas this week has been pretty calm baby wise.

Bring on week 9!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Grow babies Grow

First off I want to apologize for not posting sooner.  I used to stay up until 2 am and now I’m passed out by 10, oh boy do I love & need that extra sleep!

Thank you Thank you to the grandparents of lil McM’s for the Fully Belly Farm delivery!!  I have now received 2 boxes of yummy local grown organic fruits and veggies. This is an amazing new experience for me, and I have to admit a little scary at first. I had never seen eggplant shaped the way these were shaped, or green beans that color.  I love trying new things and Holy Moly are they  juicy J my kids couldn’t get enough of the cantaloupe!

My IP’s came on Tuesday for the ultrasound and confirmation of fetal heartbeat, which went great. Both heart beats were very strong, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders! I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear and tear up when they took each other’s hand as the doctor turned the monitor toward them. Their faces had this sense of shock at first then I could see the joy as their eyes got bigger. Especially when they heard the heartbeats, both were star struck. I’m very grateful to have witnessed that moment. Times like that are why I never question what & why I’ve chosen this journey.

They joined my daughters and I for dinner. I was very pleased with my attempt to cook a vegan meal. As a matter of fact I had my best friend over the next night for leftovers and he raved about it. I couldn’t tell him what was in it before he ate it because he would have never tried if he knew there was tofu and tofurky in it.

 It was great for my kids to meet the babies “Mommy and Daddy”. My thoughtful IM purchased a children’s book about surrogacy which I reread that morning, to help them understand a little. They are still too young to comprehend everything but they were excited and said they wanted to buy the mommy a Barbie cake and the daddy a Spiderman cake. They also got to meet Skeeter, aka Papa, my 4 legged companion of 6 years. He’s not very good with personal space, and even though he’s 80lbs he thinks he’s a lap dog. I’m very glad they are dog people and weren’t scared or turned off by his awesomeness.

Needless to say Week 7 was a blast! Little McM’s are the size of blueberries. This week we learned that the fetal pole and the yolk sac are 2 different things. The Yolk sac is the first to appear in a pregnancy and will later be absorbed into your body, this is not the baby. Currently the babies are still embryos and have little tadpole tails.

As of this morning I have lost my battle with morning sickness. Good thing was I had just eaten an organic peach from Fully Belly Farm so it wasn’t bad. On top of that it just confirms that lil McM’s are growing… so YAY!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Holy Moly Week 5

SO far this week has been a roller coaster!

Today we had a scare, I woke up and I was bleeding. Panic and devastation hit me immediately. I of course felt like a disappointment, but more so sad for my IP’s. I thought about their time, money, hopes and dreams that went into this and how this is going to make them feel. I never want to make someone feel like that. I envisioned this as a happy journey; it’s been more emotional than anticipated.  I couldn’t bring myself to call them, especially not in the state that I was in. I immediately called the doctors who said it was most likely a miscarriage and they had me come in for an ultrasound. I have since not had any bleeding and hope it stays that way!

The ultrasound was better than anticipated. I did not have a miscarriage; therefore there is a possibility that this can still go on to be a successful pregnancy. The doctor said she had seen it go both ways. I’ve talked to other surro’s who also had bleeding and everything came out fine. ….The doctor did find something surprising…TWINS! They were both in their sacs where they were supposed to be and their sacs were measuring good size. I really hope both of these little ladies make it through!!

Unfortunately at 5 weeks there is not yet a heartbeat therefore we will know more in 2 weeks at our ultrasound. The embryos are now beginning to look more like tadpoles. And are the size of sesame seeds. The brain and heart are beginning to form.  They’ve been getting their nutrients from lots of yummy food including kale, quinoa, lots of fruit and veggies, the recommended serving of whitefish, and one strawberry cupcake… oops.

I asked the doctor if there is anything I can do to assure this pregnancy and she said no. Unfortunately exercise, bed rest and stress are not factors that will cause any change when manipulated.

I’m staying positive that there will be 2 little McM’s here in 8 months. I had a feeling it was twins, the other night I was snuggled into my freshly washed sheets when I sneezed, wrong move.  I peed everywhere, and not a little bit. I changed the sheets while laughing at myself, thinking I’m so blaming that on the pregnancy. I’ve also been super sensitive and cry for no reason. When my daughter asked me why I was sad I told her they were happy tears, because I love her so much. She told me I was weird and ran off to the play room half naked!

Hoping for a smoother week 6, thinking happy thoughts!