Hello Hello,
Some cute dialong between my mini's and I this week:
Gen: She kissed my belly and asked "are the babies still in there?"
Me: "Yes, they have to grow big before they can come out" Gianna: "your belly is gonna get bigger?" (as she opened her arms as wide as she could)
Me: "Yup"
Gen: "And then your going to give the babies back to their mommy and daddy so they will be happy"
Me: "Exactly"
Gen: "Good, I don't want them to be sad"
Me: "Yes, they have to grow big before they can come out" Gianna: "your belly is gonna get bigger?" (as she opened her arms as wide as she could)
Me: "Yup"
Gen: "And then your going to give the babies back to their mommy and daddy so they will be happy"
Me: "Exactly"
Gen: "Good, I don't want them to be sad"
**It might not be politically correct but I found it sweet.
I’m very thankful to have a full time job; otherwise I think the nausea would overrule me. When Mommy and Daddy McM were here they got me these little bands to help with nausea. I have to admit I was very skeptical, but am now a full believer. I forgot to wear them twice this week and wala I got sick twice this week. They’re about $10 and can be found at a pharmacy or your local Walmart.
This week’s organic delivery was awesome! I am excited to make pico de gallo tonight with the onions.
My kids have spent multiple days playing with/decorating their jewelry boxes from my IP’s. It was a very thoughtful gift, Thank you thank you!
They are now the size of raspberries! Fingers and toes began forming this week
Other than morning sickness and gas this week has been pretty calm baby wise.
Bring on week 9!